Llerena in the south east land

The wide zones of dehesas and smooth mountain ranges are the perfect place for birds like the great bustard or the crane.

Llerena at south east Extremadura

In this zone we can see many references to ancient civilizations: dolmens and menhirs at Cardenchosa from prehistoric ages, or the roman town of Regina, with its beautiful roman theater.

The visitor can also see many castles and defensive buildings used by Arabs and Christians in the Middle Age.

The beautiful town of Llerena The beautiful town of Llerena

Azuaga and Llerena have a rich representation of Mudejar architecture (the mudejar people were moslem permitted to live under Christian rule).

Near Fuentes del Arco is located the mine Mina la Jayona, an old mine converted in a special, and almost magical, natural environment.
